Do you let the algorithm decide your worth?

*from Unsplash

*from Unsplash

Let's take a moment to digest this question.


I was watching this dude Mark Manson I stumbled across on YouTube The other day and I later realised that he's actually the one behind a massively successful book *The Subtle art of Not Giving a F***. I didn't read it but it's on my list since so many people recommend it.

Anywho, today YouTube very nicely recommended another video that he posted last month and it's the summary of his latest book *Everything is F*cked: a book about hope*. This man has a style that could get even the most pretentious people hooked and so was I. He goes through the thought process of writing the book and that immediately made me want to leave every other book I'm currently reading to devour this one - which I probably will from tonight.

There are two things that he said in the video that made me pause to ponder upon and that I probably will write about in two separate blogs because they're worth a little more brainpower.

The first thing that struck me was when he discussed about AI, how it's influencing our lives and he argues that technology could actually be the solution to our cognitive flaws, or something like that - I don't remember word for word since I had to take care of some things that require brain and emotional availability in the meantime.

However, I clearly remember this one sentence "Do you let the algorithm define your worth?".

Do you?

I think we all do to some extent - unless you're a special kind of breed. I’ll give myself as an example here. When I post something thoughtful or thought-provoking on my socials, I get very little engagement, but when I post a picture of myself there’s a flood of people liking and commenting.

Does that mean that my worth is only in my looks? Heck no!! This is also one of the reasons I don’t post pictures of myself too much or even when I post, I write something in the caption.

On the other hand, what if let’s say your selfies don’t get likes and comments, does that mean that you are not beautiful or worthy? HELL NO!

I know it’s difficult to not have such negative thoughts in certain situations nowadays, and that’s the main reason people are buying followers and likes, or even an improved face or body… but please don’t let an algorithm mess with your head. There are multiple variables that determine whether your post is even shown to people in first place, and let me tell you, your own wellbeing and mental health are not included.

So, screw the algorithm!! :)

I will continue to post whatever I want whether 2 or 0 people like it. I will continue because I do it for myself anyway, and I know that I am worth it even if the algorithm doesn’t agree.

And you should too!

Don’t give up on a project because you don’t get likes, or you don’t have followers. You are worthy and whatever you do matters. Keep going!

ThoughtsCristina A